Health Coaching

A partnership of your knowledge about you and our knowledge about Health working towards a Healthier you.

What is health coaching?

Many of us have personal trainers to help us with exercise. Sometimes we take diet tips from him or her.

In the corporate world we may chose to have life coaches.

Sometimes, even spiritual coaches.

But a very important investment we overlook is our Health.

Health is not a ‘copy-paste’ of health information collected from various sources. One needs to take into cognisance one’s age, genetic profile, unique lifestyle, the physical and mental stresses etc before coming up with a proper Health Coaching Plan. At Nature Nurtures, we do exactly that. We then blend your personal profile with our knowledge of health and various alternative therapies to come up with a plan uniquely suited just for You!

Common illnesses which may be helped:

  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes-2
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Gout
  • Gastritis
  • Cancers (of course depending on stage and type)

We encourage you to take your health back into your own hands! We do not ask you to stop your current medication but we help you cruise through your various challenges to arrive at a healthier version of you. Then again you don’t have wait till illness strikes. Begin your journey to a Healthier you NOW!

All we ask of you is


Patience, Perseverance & Commitment to a healthier you!

What to expect?

Session 1

Duration: 1 ½ – 2 hours

An in-depth history taking to understand your unique Life-style.

Please carry all your previous Laboratory investigation, scans, ultrasound medications, past and present. Also your specialist (medical) notes if any.

Session 2

Duration 1 – 1 ½ hours
Usually within 15 days

Your Healthy Life Style plan will be presented and discussed with you.
This plan has to be followed for 3 weeks.
Further sessions will be decided as per need of individual case.

Session 3

Duration 1 – 1 ½ hours

To review the experience of 3 weeks. To understand hurdles faced during the period and come up with strategies to overcome them. And then come out with a revised version of the Health plan which is to be followed for further 6 weeks.

In between these session you are more than welcome to get in touch with us and rectify your doubts if any.