
Do you want to loose Diwali Weight “Plog” Do you want Diwali litter cleaned?? “Plog”

Have you heard about “Plogging”?? “Plogging”is the latest trend, it started in “Sweden”and it has been growing all over the world, “Plogging” means “Jogging” with a bag in hand, but not just a bag in hand, you collect litter as you jog, now this has two health benefits, the jogging gives you the Cardio benefit and when you bend down to pick up the litter it gives you exercises for your Abs so you are perfect “Six pack Abs” Don’t you think it’s great, but I guess for anything to work in India, we need celebrity endorsement…

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Fragrance of the Garden city Singapore

Where else can aromatherapy flourish beautiful than the garden city of Singapore!
The science which brings out the latent healing power hidden inside every plant in nature,
The sublime science of Aromatherapy, is perfected beautifully through Naturenurtures right here in our sunny isle Singapore
Singapore is naturally endowed with a equatorial climate a regular rain and shine.

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This Summer, be a smart tourist!

It’s summer time folks and the travel bug bites again!!
Travel Is Fun,
Travel enriches,
Travel is an essential indulgence!
Travel connects us to people and places,
It lets us explore different cultures,
It expands the horizons of our mind!
Travel lends wings to our mind…
But many a time, travel can turn into a disaster , a health disaster especially when we are travelling with young ones.
Not only that, the post holiday blues just suck the holiday fun away.
So this summer let’s be wise and travel smartly!!

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Jamun or Black plum can help you defeat Diabetes

So today I visited my Jamun or Black plum grove in Bedok Reservoir. A beautiful reservoir near my home in sunny Singapore. You see the black plump tree is a native of India and has spread to south eat Asia. Maybe that explains my special affinity for this silent grove. The black plums, the fruit of this tree, are so delicious. One of my favourite summer fruit. My summers in India were coloured with a purple and we, me and my cousins had a competition on who has the purplest tongue, we would sit around a big pot of black plums or Jamuns or Jambhul as we call it in Maharashtra mixed with salt on hot lazy summer afternoons. We would bite into the soft flesh of the fruit, mmmm…. and jut out our tongue, to see who had the purplest tongue, such simple humble joys of childhood.

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Drumstick, the fruit of the super tree Moringa. A rocking fruit!

Today I am going to present to you a fruit straight from a rock concert, A rocking fruit.

You guessed it right, it is the Drumstick, the fruit of the super tree Moringa. Moringa is the latest kid on the superfood block, in fact it has taken center stage.

Moringa leaves are known to have

1)High amount of Vitamin C, much more than oranges

2) High amount of Vitamin A, much more than carrots

3) High amounts of Iron, much more than Spinach.

4) High amounts of calcium much more than milk.

So everybody is now queuing for the Moringa, or as we call in Marathi shevaga.

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Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Indians

Its been 27 years since I started practising classical “Holistic Homeopathy,”

and there have been certain questions that have been asked to me recurrently,

one of them is “Hey Dr.Priya, you are an Indian do you practice Ayurveda?

second is “Hey Dr.Priya does homeopathy come from India?”

so I decided why not I explain these two queries in greater detail.

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Jungle rice or Variche Tandul or Vurugu Arasi and its benefits

Today I am going to begin by asking you all a question ‘let’s say you are on grain-free diet or let’s say you’re on a gluten-free diet are you simply intolerant to gluten’, ”what is the staple that you would choose for your major meals?” “ Do I hear quinoa? Well, my answer is yes and no”, you see quinoa is a pseudo cereal, in that sense it has properties of grains. Moreover, quinoa grows in the western side of the Globe, to import it from there to here in the East we expend carbon mines, because of which it is very highly priced hence would dig a big hole in our pocket. It is great for those who are on the western side of the globe but for us here in the East let’s look around and see what grows around us.

So what if I told you that right here in the east, we have an equally good, energy packed, easy satiety, filler! A great seed, the humble, simple Vurugu Arasi as they call it in Tamil, Variche Tandul as it is called in Marathi, or Moriyo chawal as they call it in Gujarati, Sama ka chawal as they call it in Hindi or simply upavas ka Chaval as they call it in all the shops in India.

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Holistic health – Meno o pause!!

On this woman’s day let’s take a fresh look at menopause. It’s the most dreaded, most feared, transition in a woman’s life. But in all honesty, it is highly empowering if you know how to manage it well.

Do you know only we and two other whale species are the only ones that menopause in nature. The rest of the mammals procreate( reproduce) till the end. Research proves that, this is because, the wisdom of these three mammals benefits their community (herds) much more than just reproduction.

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Homeopathy – Magical Sweet Pills

Gem from Germany.

Homeopathy is an artistic science of healing.

It was discovered by a German scientist Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 18th century. Hence sometimes called “The German traditional science”, like Ayurveda from India, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) from China, Unani from Middle East and Jammu from south east Asia. The essential philosophy of all these traditional medicines is quite similar. They all believe that a human system is made up of the trinity of spirit ,mind (intellect and emotions) and body. Hence a disturbance in one will cause a dis-ease in the other. So, while Ayurveda uses herbs and minerals from India and TCM from China.

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Three Re-births of a Woman – A nutritional perspective

So we meet again to discuss the second rebirth and the most complex of the three, pregnancy going hand-in-hand with lactation. This is some of the most difficult transitions for a woman. The mother’s immune system has to compromise itself to let the foreign chromosome grow in and at the cost of itself. Thus the susceptibility to a myriad of viral infections. The uterus which is usually a pelvic organ grows in huge dimensions and occupy the abdominal cavity, thereby compressing the intestines, the urinary system and the blood vessels in the abdomen. This can lead to constipation, swelling of feet, back pains etc. The stomach is almost pushed into the esophagus around the second half of the third trimester leading to severe reflux.

The entire nutritional focus of the mother’s body is geared towards a healthy development of the baby. The baby they say, is an ideal parasite, it sucks out all the nutrition it needs from the mother especially the calcium from her bones. Hence the chubby babies of malnourished mothers in the under privileged sections of the society.

So if you are having morning sickness leading to vomiting and thereby low consumption in the first trimester, don’t be too anxious. Your baby is still growing. (Tip: keep a piece of ginger in your mouth and bite on it slowly. This helps reduce the nausea and vomiting).

As you can see, the main nutritional focus of pregnancy should be iron, calcium, folic acid and good fats.

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The Energy Crisis in our Body

Have you ever felt low, weak, light-headed, irritable, exhausted, mildly depressed or slightly giddy? If the answer is yes, then you are probably facing an energy crisis in your body.

Before you reach out for that cup of coffee, tea or a chocolate bar to get your ‘energy boost’, hold on. These are the very energy ‘sappers’ that you are heading towards. They are high on caffeine which will give you a sudden spurt of energy for a short period followed by an extended period of low. Besides, over their prolonged usage, you become dependent on a certain level of consumption to maintain your levels of energy.

Excess caffeine over a prolonged period can also lead to palpitations, anxiety, insomnia. So then are we suggesting a caffeine-free life? Well, if possible yes, or just have it for fun, taste or to socialize occasionally but always in moderation and never ever as a substitute to boost energy.

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Tackling the Teens

Women pass through three very important phases in their lives which are almost akin to rebirth. In a three-part series, we begin by looking at the nutritional needs of a girl attaining puberty. For centuries a woman has been told she is an abala which translates to...

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Indian Head Massage

Introduction Touch is the first of the senses that we feel. Even in our intra-uterine stage and right through the infancy, we thrive on Touch. And then somewhere along the way we forget it. The business of living takes so much of our time that we forget the...

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“Three Kings Day Bread” recipe

“Three Kings Day Bread” recipe

As promised we are happy to present the "Three Kings Day Bread" recipe... You will need.... 50 g butter 2.5 dl milk 500g plain flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 1 package yeast 1 egg, whisked 100 g raisins Egg, sugar and almond flakes to decorate Melt butter...

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Our 3rd Post on Mom and Dad with love

Our 3rd Post on Mom and Dad with love

Today we are pleased to present another delicious recipe under our "Mom and dad with love" project. This recipe and the inspiring story behind the same is shared below by Ms.Claudia Issel. "My mother was a Swiss woman who moved to the United States in the 1960s. She...

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Health Benifits of Ginger Flower

Health Benifits of Ginger Flower

Ginger Flower Health benefits: 1) Help reduce blood sugar 2) Help reduce blood pressure 3) Natural aphrodisiac, no wonder the wise Malay women added it to their cuisine 4) Increases appetite, so if your child is not eating too well, reach out to this pretty pink...

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