So today I visited my Jamun or Black plum grove in Bedok Reservoir. A beautiful reservoir near my home in sunny Singapore. You see the black plump tree is a native of India and has spread to south eat Asia. Maybe that explains my special affinity for this silent grove. The black plums, the fruit of this tree, are so delicious. One of my favourite summer fruit. My summers in India were coloured with a purple and we, me and my cousins had a competition on who has the purplest tongue, we would sit around a big pot of black plums or Jamuns or Jambhul as we call it in Maharashtra mixed with salt on hot lazy summer afternoons. We would bite into the soft flesh of the fruit, mmmm…. and jut out our tongue, to see who had the purplest tongue, such simple humble joys of childhood.

And as we were having fun, little did we realise that this Jamun was actually helping us in many ways than one, it was helping to keep our RBC’s up so no Ferritin loss or Anemia, we didn’t have to pop in any Iron pills. Plus it also kept us away from constipation because it had a lot of fiber. It also gave us the anti-oxidants to keep the free radicals away. Even the seeds of this Jamun which is very very bitter, which we spat out, our mom’s would dry, then ground and it was used as one of the best remedy to bring down the blood sugar. The leaves, the fruit, the seeds why even the bark of this tree is good for Diabetes, thus you see the solution to diabetes or making the world Diabetes free is right here in our gardens.And mind you they grow in abundance here in Singapore, because this climate suits them, they just love it here. Such a simple humble and a cheap way, to beat Diabetes.

You see, Diabetes is a misers disease, let me explain why, because in Diabetes you hoard, hoard, hoard, don’t expend, thus your sugar level go up, up up. Now how do we make any miser empty his bank account, well he has to first stop putting in money into his account and then he has to spend what he has, so too with Diabetes First stop eating more sugars or carbohydrates and then expend the calories by exercising, so what better way then to walk in this beautiful jamun grove to burn your calories and then may be eat it’s yummy fruit and chew on few of the tender leaves .The leaves, the tender leaves of this beautiful plant, are very good for oral health, they keep oral ulcer, gingivitis and infections in the mouth, even in the gums and teeth away, so chewing few of these tender leaves can help you in lots of way.

Yes dear friends, if we think Diabetes is illness of the rich we are mistaken, it is no longer, since you see most carbohydrate rich foods are cheap, White rice is cheaper than the brown rice, white bread is cheaper than the brown bread, cakes and Kueh’s are cheaper than the pastries made out of almond flour, so all and in all Diabetes is encompassing the whole humanity, rich as well as poor.

Thus if you want to beat diabetes before it Beats you , Take a walk in my beautiful plum grove, and partake of nature’s remedy to lower blood sugar, the simple humble black plump. What are you waiting for the plum is ripe in summer.