Predictive Health

Predict your future illness today and learn to evade it. Let our experienced healthician show you the way.

So how does it work?

This seems like a new kid on the block but it was always embedded in the format of traditional healing practices.
It’s simple, its effective provided you are committed and consistent.

So let’s say today we are in 2018. If you tell me your:

Family History

Paternal and Maternal side (Geno Type)

Past History



in terms of – family, work, society, your habits, food, exercise, sports, your Hobbies, your social involvement, your relaxation techniques

We at Nature Nurtures can plot your Healthoscope for 5/10/15/20 years
And suggest ways and means by which you can alter the course of the Future.
You create your future.
We plot your path.
To a healthier you.

Our recommendations are Holistic, Natural and draws on the vast wisdom of traditional healing systems.

So then why wait?

Let’s Zoom into the future together.